Knowing your body is one of the most strongest power you'll ever have with yourself.

Learn, understand and empower yourself with tool to improve your life completely.

Your body, your choices. The biggest power you'll have as a cyclic women is the understanding of your body. Reclaim your hormonal health with intentional and comprehensive tools designed to help you find your most authentic version.

As women we have the right to live out our hormones and cycles in the highest vibration posible.

Dra. Sofía's promise as a physician is that there's less frustrated women with fear, because of lack of information about their own bodies, this has to change. This is why I've created programs, courses and tools to guide you and bring you comprehensive solutions. With her help you'll be able to regain the control over your menstrual cycle, understanding the variables that can be affecting your hormones.

Let's work together

Hormone Revolution

This program was born to mark a before and after on your hormonal health. With a comprehensive methodology, which will allow you to acquire knowledge and at the same time work on your specific case.

So that you as a women can transform your health and reclaim your power without having to attend to endless medical consulations.

What the women who have taken our courses are saying

Hi, I'm Dra.Sofi!

Dra.Sofía's life purpose as an Ovulo-Menstruating Cycle Physician, certified in Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) specializes in promoting the importance of the understanding women's health.

Dra.Sofía Mora is an Pro-Ovulo-Menstruating Cycle Physician, Certified in Fertility Awareness Method (FAM), with multiple training courses in the field of women's health.

Her specialty is in women's health, from allopathic or conventional medicine, but also from natural, functional and herbal medicine, because she believes that our female body deserves to enjoy health in a comprehensive way.

Certifications in FEMM (fertility education & medical management), ATENEA, PCOS Nutrition Center, Pacific Rim College, Aviva Romm MD, Women's Health Nutrition Academy.

This is space created for you to feel safe and free. Are you ready to open the door to the wonders that it is your body?
